Welcome to the St. Anne's Hill Historic District Blog! This blog will provide news, information, and history for our friendly neighborhood located in Dayton, Ohio. Visitors are welcome to learn more about our community here. For more information, please visit www.stanneshill.org today!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The holidays are coming! Time to start preparing and to help ensure that the furry members of your family have a safe and happy season, too.
Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pet - Alcoholic beverages - Avocado - Chocolate (all forms) - Coffee (all forms) - Fatty foods- Macadamia nuts - Moldy or spoiled foods - Onions, onion powder - Raisins and grapes - Salt - Yeast dough - Garlic - Products sweetened with xylitol
Warm Weather Hazards - Animal toxins—toads, insects, spiders, snakes and scorpions - Blue-green algae in ponds - Citronella candles - Cocoa mulch - Compost piles Fertilizers - Flea products - Outdoor plants and plant bulbs - Swimming-pool treatment supplies - Fly baits containing methomyl - Slug and snail baits containing metaldehyde
Medication - Common examples of human medications that can be potentially lethal to pets, even in small doses, include: - Pain killers - Cold medicines - Anti-cancer drugs - Antidepressants - Vitamins - Diet Pills
Cold Weather Hazards - Antifreeze - Liquid potpourri - Ice melting products - Rat and mouse bait
Common Household Hazards- Fabric softener sheets - Mothballs- Post-1982 pennies (due to high concentration of zinc)
Holiday Hazards - Christmas tree water (may contain fertilizers and bacteria, which, if ingested, can upset the stomach. - Electrical cords - Ribbons or tinsel (can become lodged in the intestines and cause intestinal obstruction—most often occurs with kittens!) - Batteries - Glass ornaments
Non-toxic Substances in Dogs and Cats The following substances are considered to be non-toxic, although they may cause mild gastrointestinal upset in some animals: - Water-based paints - Toilet bowl water - Silica gel - Poinsettia - Cat litter - Glue traps - Glow jewelry
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Enough Gore!
A British High Court Judge just release his preliminary findings from a court trial about the government wanting to show Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" to all school children. The Government and the Plaintiffs had experts argue both sides and Al Gore lost.
The preliminary finding cites 11 problems with the film including:
Gore presents Mt Kilimanjaro's melting snows as proof of global warming. In fact, the snows are vanishing thanks to local factors, including deforestation.
Gore suggests Antarctica's ice cover is melting. Most studies says it is increasing or stable.
Gore shows scary graphics of cities drowning in seas that rise 7m, causing millions of refugees. But the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says the seas will rise at worst by 59cm this century.
Gore uses images of Hurricane Katrina and suggests it was caused by global warming. The Government's expert in this case admitted such one-off events can't be blamed on warming.
Gore suggests ice-core evidence shows rising CO2 caused temperature rises, which ended the past seven ice ages. In fact, the CO2 rises followed temperature rises by 800 to 2000 years.
Gore claims global warming could stop the Gulf Stream, causing an ice age in Europe. Recent studies deny it.
Gore blames global warming for species losses and coral reef bleaching. The Government couldn't show evidence to back this claim.
Gore claims a study showed polar bears had drowned because of vanishing ice. The study actually said just four polar bears drowned, and only because of a bad storm.
Gore suggests Greenland's ice could melt, causing a dangerous rise in sea levels. In fact, Greenland's ice won't melt for thousands of years.
Gore shows the drying up of Lake Chad and claims this was caused by global warming. The Government's expert agreed this was not the case.
Gore claims rising seas have forced people to flee Pacific islands to New Zealand. There is no record of any such warming-caused evacuation.
I mean come on, we all want to keep making things cleaner, but I'm really sick of the alarmism. My problem with Al's obsession with Co2 is not only does it appear to be wrong, but it diverts attention from other very real concerns like land use.
Interestingly I haven't seen this story appear in any American publications yet, and I'll be surprised if the Dayton Daily ever does. Too much crow for them to eat? Or are they just going to wait until he wins his Nobel prize and then hope nobody notices? It's sad to think of all the school kids who have already been made to watch this, it's kind of like all the kids who years ago had to watch a movie called "Reefer Madness" isn't it?.
Link to full story in an Australian paper: http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,22559777-25717,00.html
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
On Thursday June 21, Tom Allen met with ODOT Engineer David Ley. The following is what came out of that meeting:
Preliminary info indicates we may qualify for sound barrier walls provided by state funding. We will need to submit a petition signed by residents living no further that 600ft from Rt35. The petition, if accepted, would qualify St. Anne's for "sound study." After that the petition would be placed in competition with other neighborhoods applying across the state. The neighborhoods with the most need would qualify to have the barriers installed. At this time I have no idea how long this process would take. That is one of many questions that we are seeking answers to. David Ley believes we may qualify to be in the running for these sound barrier walls. (The sound walls in Huber Heights along I-70, were obtained this way)
1. Plant full size evergreen trees to replace those destroyed by ODOT along the off-ramp.
Trees would be on hold pending the outcome of the petition for sound walls, however some funding for landscaping is possible.
2. Move the large sign to the other side of the ramp and further back so people exiting can see it before they are at the end of the ramp.
Mr. Ley advises that the sign will be moved to the other side of the exit ramp, away from Josie St.! Completion date of this project to be determined.
3. Reseed area between sidewalk and Keowee Street from off-ramp north.
The construction in this area is not complete, but will be addressed.
4. Reseed area torn up by the introduction of new light pole at the pocket park at McLain & Josie.
The construction in this area is not complete, but will be addressed.
5. Replace fence at the McClure St Bridge.
The breaks in the fence at Josie and McClure will be secured , also the sidewalk ramps will be made ADA accessible
6. Remove aggregate left at McClure and Josie at the bridge.
This will be done.
7. Reseed the corners at the McClure St Bridge.
This will be done.
8. Replant the traffic island at McClure & Josie Streets & replace limestone blocks.
Traffic island has been replanted
9. ODOT officials committed to being responsive to neighbor requests re dust
The phone number for Kokosing is 223-3861, for dust & excessive noise complaints
If complaint not addressed contact ODOT Field Office at 223-4401
10. Commitment to follow up as soon as two weeks.
First meeting held 2 days ! After Town Hall meeting
Long Term items discussed:
Determine who conducts sounds studies and investigate the feasibility of sound wall barriers.
As stated above, we will begin the process soon.
Supply information on possible EPA hazards created by construction and how to correct those hazards. This is the RAPCA - Regional Air Pollution Control Agency http://laa.co.montgomery.oh.us/about.htm )
Need a volunteer to investigate and make contact. Call Tom at 623-4788 to volunteer.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
June 18, 2007
Participants: Rep Clayton Luckie, ODOT engineer David Ley, other ODOT officials and City of Dayton engineers (Kerry Lawson), many St. Anne's Hill Neighbors, DDN and WDTN
Immediate concerns:
1. Plant full size evergreen trees to replace those destroyed by ODOT along the off-ramp.
2. Reseed area between sidewalk and Keowee Street from off-ramp north.
3. Reseed area torn up by the introduction of new light pole at the pocket park at McLain & Josie
4. Move the off-ramp sign to the other side of the ramp so trees can be replanted in that area.
5. Replace fence at the McClure St Bridge.
6. Remove aggregate left at McClure and Josie at the bridge.
7. Reseed the corners at the McClure St Bridge.
8. Replant the traffic island at McClure & Josie Streets & replace limestone blocks.
9. ODOT officials committed to being responsive to neighbor requests re dust
10. Commitment to follow up as soon as two weeks.
Long Term items discussed:
Determine who conducts sounds studies and investigate the feasibility of sound wall barriers.
Supply information on possible EPA hazards created by construction and how to correct those hazards.
Designate the off ramp along Josie Street a wild flower area.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
By OneWhoKnows
June 19, 2007 2:18 PM Link to this
The St. Anne’s Hill association “leaders” are always too busy planning parties to take care of serious historic district business, so they aren’t taken seriously by the city, state, or many of their own St. Anne’s residents. They were asleep at the wheel regarding the McClure Street bridge, and now this: Why should Dayton or the State be concerned about St. Anne’s when St. Anne’s is too lazy to take care of itself BEFORE things go wrong?
Rosemary Grant
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Come voice your opinion about the encroachment of the SR35 off ramp at Keowee Street
DAYTON — In response to a flood of calls from people unhappy about all the road construction in the area, State Representative Clayton Luckie (D-Dayton) has called a town hall meeting on Monday.
"As State Representative it is my job to ensure my constituents' voices are heard by those making decisions that affect their everyday lives," said Luckie. "I have become aware of increasing concerns from residents in the area about the construction projects. I feel my role is to facilitate discussion between the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the citizens of Dayton. I have invited the District Director for ODOT and the Dayton City Engineer. My hope is that residents will be able to share their opinions and gain greater understanding of the proposed direction of the projects."
The meeting will be Monday at 7 p.m. at the Bomberger Teen Center, 1306 E. Fifth St.
Luckie said ODOT District 7 Director Rex Dickey and Dayton City Engineer Kerry Lawson will attend the meeting.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Dayton Public Schools
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Grass cutters needed
Debby, Barry, Jo Ann & company do a spendid job keeping our parks looking beautiful.
We are asking for more neighbors to get involved in that effort. One easy way
is to cut some grass ... Terry Park and Alice's gardem need to be mowed on a
weekly basis and here is a very easy solution. If a few volunteers take an hour
out of one week, once a month, for the summer - Job done
Please respond if you can help
Terry Park (5th & Terry)
Week 1 - Tom Alen
Week 2 - Bob Ellis
Week 3 - Your name here
Week 4 - Your name here
Week 5 - ditto
Alice's Garden
Bob Wolfe
Chris Galentine
Jim DeWeese
Week 4 - Your name here
Please add to the posting if you care to help , or give me a call !
Tom Allen
Monday, May 7, 2007
Trash N Treasure is June 30th NOT June 24th as reported in the newsletter!
Hi! This is Lisa Douglas from 1525 East Fifth. Once again, I will be co-chairing the annual Trash ‘n Treasure neighborhood garage sale with my next-door neighbors Jim Spradlin and Steve Schoening. Below is a brief overview of the event. We’ll get into the details in the next newsletter and of course will be handing out flyers in the neighborhood as we get closer to the big day.
DATE. Trash ‘n Treasure is scheduled for Saturday, June 30th, 2007, 8:00am until you are ready to close.
FOOD. I understand from those who sold food last year it was a terrific hit – and profitable! I heard some visitors say it seemed like the neighborhood was having a big party! Very fun, aren’t we? So please consider selling hotdogs, BBQ, chocolate covered cheesecake, or whatever you can muster up (or mustard up). If you sell food, we will list that information directly on the map, so you can attract even more traffic to your sale. If you’re a BBQ king or queen, this is your time to shine! And we don’t remember anyone selling lemonade last year. Any takers for that job?
MUSIC. We had some great music going last year, too. If anyone wants to host a band, or plans to play during the day, please let me know and we’ll include that information in our flyers and maps.
COST. Same as last year - $5. What does this $5 get you, you might ask? Well, last year we were able to purchase a brand new great big banner (thanks Jim & Steve) for the Bomberger Park fence, print and distribute over 1000 flyers to area flea markets and antique stores, print 400 maps, and advertise in nine papers. And just a reminder, in order to have your house listed on the map, the fee must be paid by the deadline (don’t have a deadline yet, but it will probably be one week prior to the sale).
NEW IDEAS. We welcome any new ideas, marketing strategies, or comments about last year. Anyone who has an idea for something new and fun we could do, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Someone suggested face painting? Or portrait painting?
VOLUNTEERS. I would be most appreciative if 3-5 people could volunteer to hand out flyers in the neighborhood a couple of times during the month prior to the sale. The job will probably involve passing out flyers for one street only, not the entire neighborhood.
Thanks everyone…
~~ We look forward to working with St. Anne’s again this year to make this another great Trash ‘n Treasure!
Lisa Douglas
1525 East Fifth St.
Jim & Steve
1529 East Fifth St.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
No Mosquitos!
Mosquito Prevention Measures
Mosquito breeding around the home can be reduced significantly by reducing the amount of standing water available for mosquito breeding.
- Dispose of tin cans, plastic containers, ceramic pots or similar water-holding containers
- Clean roof gutters on an annual basis,
- Turn over plastic wading pools when not in use.
- Use landscaping to eliminate standing water that collects on your property.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Home Ownership Center of Greater Dayton
The HomeOwnership Center is a program of St. Mary Development Corporation, a non-profit organization dedicated to comprehensive community development throughout the Miami Valley. The HomeOwnership Center is located at 371 West Second Street in Downtown Dayton., in the One Stop Center, immediately across from the new juvenile center that is currently under construction.
The mission of the HomeOwnership Center is to empower the residents of Greater Dayton to achieve and sustain homeownership and financial success.
This mission is accomplished by providing personal assistance through credit and budget guidance, classroom training opportunities, and links to loans and other resources.
The HomeOwnership Center recognizes that the ownership of a home is the largest and most important investment that most individuals will ever make.
Homeownership is important in that it
Represents a significant commitment of time and money on the part of the home buyer
Contributes to stability of the individual and family
Builds wealth.
Because of the importance and complexity of the home ownership, both the prospective homebuyer and the seasoned homeowner may have a lot of questions. The HomeOwnership Center is designed to be a one-stop approach, offering training classes, individual counseling from professional staff and a link to valuable resources.
The training classes are designed to enlighten the prospective homebuyer and give the homebuyer essential tools vital to the homebuyer process. The HomeOwnership Center provides classroom training for organizations such as DMHA, Citywide Development, Habitat for Humanity, and the Miami Valley Fair Housing Center.
The first-time homebuyer class walks the prospective homebuyer through the process of successfully purchasing a home, including working with a realtor, negotiating the purchase, selecting and obtaining a mortgage loan, appraisals and inspections, insurance requirements, and the closing process and required documents.
Home maintenance training will teach the homebuyer the basics of caring for both the interior and exterior of the home, with an emphasis on preventative maintenance essential to preserving the investment and making the home a comfortable and safe place to live.
The financial fitness class seeks to impart financial literacy to the participants to prepare them for purchasing and preserving the ownership of the home. Topics discussed include developing a spending plan, and spending habits, banking, and establishing and maintaining a good credit rating.
Individual counseling sessions are also available at the HomeOwnership Center. These sessions provide one-on-one credit and budget guidance for the individual who needs to get the finances in order for an initial mortgage, home equity loan, or refinance. Trained counselors can review credit reports and help individuals work toward improved credit scores. The counselors will work with the individual to develop action plans and spending plans. The counselors recognize that often there is no “quick fix” to achieve sustainable financial security. HomeOwnership Center counselors may work for months or even years to assist an individual to achieve his or her financial goals and objectives.
The HomeOwnership Center serves as a link between participants and valuable resources, with only the best interests of the participant in mind. The Center can help the individual chose the loan product that best fits the individual. The Center can also help the individual find a realtor, a financial institution, down payment assistance, or appropriate social services.
In addition to being affiliate with the St. Mary Development Corporation, the HomeOwnership Center is a chartered member of NeighborWorks America and is a HUD-approved housing counseling agency.
The Center partners with many local jurisdictions, organizations, and financial institutions to better serve the citizens of Greater Dayton.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Free Shrubs
We are doing some landscaping at 128 McClure, and have 3 healthy bushes that Jay has dug up, if anyone would like them. I don't know the name, but they are the ones that have the soft, small red berries on them. You can call us at 610-2759, or just stop by they are on the right side of the house.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
April General Membership Meeting Notice
St. Anne’s Hill
General Membership Meeting
April 3, 2007
Liederkranz Turner Hall
Beginning at 6:30 p.m. with a
Pot Luck Dinner
If your name begins with: bring:
A – H Dessert
I – Q Side Dish
R – Z Main Dish
Or, whatever you feel like making!
Beverages will be available for purchase from the Liederkranz
Followed by our meeting beginning at 7:00
Featuring Guest Speaker
Jeff Dwellen
Jeff has done extensive research on our neighborhood and posted his reports on the website
Please plan to join us for food, fellowship and fun.
You may even learn something!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Help repair the Pergola !
If you can donate an hour or two, give me a call or email
Thanks in advance,
Tom Allen 623-4788
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
March AND April Social Events!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have reserved some space at Valley Vineyards in Morrow, Ohio for a SAH social away from the hood. The date that I have reserved is Saturday, April 21. Dinner would begin at 7:00pm. Cost is $25 per person or $50 per couple. See below for details. The social committee is not going to be able to afford to get a charter bus for this event, so volunteers/designated drivers are needed. If anyone knows someone that has a bus for a gas-only fee, that would be great! Please RSVP for this event by calling myself, Rebecca Manger, at 304-9634. This is also a pre-pay event. I will be collecting money and paying Valley Vineyard in one lump sum. Please RSVP by Friday, April 13, so that I can make final arrangements with Valley Vineyard. Valley Vineyard is only about an hour away, so it won't be that bad if we have to car pool or even drive separately. See website and information below for more about this event.
Weekend Cookouts http://www.valley-vineyards.com/events.html#cookouts
"Come experience a legendary Valley Vineyards Cookout, our most popular feature. Both indoor and outdoor grilling venues are provided where you can cook and socialize with friends. Along with your steak or salmon, and a great bottle of wine, you will enjoy two types of salad, green beans almondine or corn on the cob in summer, baked potato, fresh breads and our special homemade dessert buffet.
Cookouts are every Friday and Saturday throughout the year, with the addition of Sundays, July through October.
Seating is between 5:00pm and 8:30pm and on Sundays between 4:00pm and 6:00pm. Reservations are strongly recommended. We do not accept reservations by email!"
--Valley Vineyards
Monday, March 5, 2007
Important Meeting Reminder
The news is that we will have a Guest Speaker!
From the City of Dayton Housing Inspection Department.
The representative will explain the new Property Violation Disclosure Ordinance and how it affects us. The presentation will last less than 15 minutes and there will be a brief question and answer session afterward. Make a point to attend and see how this ordinance can work for all of us here in St. Anne's Hill.
Your Board of Trustees, working to bring you relevant topics and interesting news, is responsible for this message.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Sherwin Williams Paint Discounts

Up to 20% discount now avail at your neighborhood Sherwin Williams Store
Sherwin Williams now offers a discount to good neighbors and a yearly rebate to our neighborhood organization.
St. Anne's Hill now has established an account at all Sherwin Williams store.
(the closest one is at 70 Walnut St, north off E 5th nr Wayne)
Just tell 'em you are from St. Anne's Hilll and you will recieve 20% off any regulaly priced merchandise and 5% off any sale item.
Then once a year a check will be sent to St.Anne's for 3% of the total sales for the previous year !
Special cards are being prepared by Sherwin Williams now, however if you can't wait and want
to start on that project today the will still give you the discount just for the mention.
The card should be available at our monthly meetings.
Happy Painting !
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Friday, February 9, 2007
Neighborhood Watch
And I'm just one person: Imagine what we could do if we cared enough about our safety and property to organize ourselves?
Although a Dayton PD rep attends most of our meetings, an officer told me that Twin Towers and the O District get more respect and attention from the PD because their homeowner organizations are active and mobilized and serious about crime prevention: they don't just wait to be victimized, and complain.
I'm told that the PD offers training on how to create effective Neighborhood Watch groups. If anyone is interested in really solving problems, perhaps we could pursue this.
Rosemary Grant
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Another Cool Link About SAH
Snow and Sidewalks - Statement & Rebuttal
Otherwise, unless you go out of your way to CREATE a hazard, or you do not do what a reasonable prudent person would do to REDUCE or PREVENT a hazard, you are not at legal risk.
Cindy Schaefer
Cindy, I don't know how you say "most" don't clear their walks Downtown, I'd say it's quite the opposite, they almost ALL clear them right away. You may have trouble crossing the street due to the piles from plows, but the walks are clear and salted almost without exception. In fact the walks are often better than the streets. Anyone else Downtown care to support this?-Denny
Friday, February 2, 2007
SAH Social
This will take place at Joe Mercer's home at 26 High St. Keep an eye out for the flyer and start thinking of games that you can bring to share. This will be a bring-a-dish event and drinks will be provided by your social committee.
As always, ice is provided by Dayton's Original Pizza Factory, so don't forget to show your support by ordering your favorite pizza from them. Their number is 224-4477. Your Social Chairs, Rebecca Manger 304-9634 and Chris Sidner 227-3490 Don't hesitate to call one of us if you would like to open your home for a St. Anne's Social Event.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Amesome St. Anne's Hill Research
You must look at these links! The amount of research this person did is staggering. Our president has contacted him and hopefully he will grant us an audience at one of our general membership meetings.
We will let you know. Meanwhile, enjoy the links.
Photos from Stivers "Topping-Off" Ceremony
Monday, January 29, 2007
Looking for good tenants!
CALL FRED 586-0268
Saturday, January 27, 2007
What can I post?
Friday, January 26, 2007
Latest News from Grassroots Greater Dayton
In This Issue
Save NCR Building 26?Legislative Action Alert:Desire for streetcars surges in USMVRPC to Conduct Regional Land Use PlanLexington Ky. Urban service borders will remain unchanged Promoting smart growth with a new greenbelt Bethel Township farm will survive urban sprawl, never be developed Community Land Trusts At Taxpayers' Expense Murphy Oil pledges $50 million to put students from one Ark. high school through college ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Neon Theatre & Grassroots Greater Dayton Present -
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League of Women Voters of the Greater Dayton Area - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.5s6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lwvdayton.org%2F
Kids Voting Greater Dayton Region - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.at6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kidsvotingohio.org%2Fconmgmt%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_homepage
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Friend of Grassroots!The latest news and information from Grassroots Greater Dayton.Please forward this email to anyone you think would be interested in the work of Grassroots Greater Dayton!Save NCR Building 26?Building 26 is such a historic place. The interior has been modified, but preservation of the building's exterior, hidden but largely unchanged, could foster a more complete understanding and appreciation for the tremendous achievements, as well as the personal sacrifices that occurred on the "home front" during World War II; achievements and sacrifices that embody the successful story of U.S. codebreaking during World War II. Owned by the University of Dayton, but vacant, the 1938 facade of Building 26 remains intact and usable, nestled within the 1960s additions (though the building's interior bears little resemblance to its 1940s appearance). This original Building 26 is a direct link to an internationally important yet poorly-understood component of Dayton's and the Nation's contributions to the Allied cause during the Second World War. Though currently hidden by modern additions and with a modified interior--why is it important to consider preservation of the exterior façade of this historic place--Building 26? Preservation is justified because Building 26 imparts larger stories and truths about who we are as individuals, as families, as communities, and as a Nation. It is an authentic place in real time. Stand where the Wrights took flight on Huffman Prairie Flying Field, where gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill in California, or on the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor and you experience the power of place. These and many other such places have meaning to all Americans.Read more at the Dayton Codebreakers -
Legislative Action Alert:Federal Passenger Rail FundingTo All Supporters of Passenger Rail:Senators Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Trent Lott (R-MS), Daniel Inouye (D-HI) and Ted Stevens (R-AK) have re-introduced The Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act (S. 294) . The bill reauthorizes suitable funding for Amtrak and creates a new state/federal partnership for passenger rail development. Passage of this bill is crucial to the development of the Ohio Hub Plan as a stable, dedicated funding source.Read more... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.jt6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgrassrootsdayton.com%2Fnode%2F132
Desire for streetcars surges in USDespite being celebrated in literature and film, streetcars had largely disappeared from America's cities by the end of the Second World War, to be replaced by buses and trains. Now, they are steadily making a clattering comeback. With communities across the US investing to revitalise their often decrepit city centres, and with planners keen to try to avoid the congestion caused by cars, streetcars or trolleys are being reintroduced to lure tourists and commuters.Officials say that developers - with an eye on capitalising on the nostalgia value - will now often back a project involving a streetcar that they might otherwise have dismissed.
Read more... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.kt6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgrassrootsdayton.com%2Fnode%2F123
MVRPC to Conduct Regional Land Use PlanThe Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission's (MVRPC) Board of Directors endorsed the Regional Land Use Planning Proposal presented at its January 4, 2007 meeting.The proposal, developed by members of the Land Use Committee and staff, outlines an overall approach to a region-based land use planning process, using a diagram illustrating major tasks and work elements that are essential for a successful and meaningful outcome. The process in the proposal also illustrates how regional land use planning interrelates with the regional transportation planning process.Read more... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.lt6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgrassrootsdayton.com%2Fnode%2F128
Lexington Ky. Urban service borders will remain unchangedVoices calling for protecting Fayette County's unique horse farms and other farmland from suburban sprawl will prevail for the next five years.The Urban County Planning Commission last night approved the land-use element of a new comprehensive plan that states there will be no expansion of the urban service boundary -- the line beyond which urban development is not permitted.Read more... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.mt6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgrassrootsdayton.com%2Fnode%2F131
Promoting smart growth with a new greenbeltLocal environmentalists debate merits of surrounding city with forests, prairies and meadows With a modest gift, nickel-and-dimed together on a bake sale and a prayer, a small knot of local land-huggers has thrown a gigantic challenge to the boldest dreamers and planners in the area: A century from now, they want Lansing to be wrapped in green, open space.Read more... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.nt6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgrassrootsdayton.com%2Fnode%2F133
Bethel Township farm will survive urban sprawl, never be developedThe sprawling farm nestled at the end of the winding, tree-lined path off Union Road has survived a civil war, two world wars and the industrial revolution.And now, thanks to owners Don and Ellen Wallace, it will survive urban sprawl.The Wallaces donated the 116-acre farm - in their family more than 200 years - to the state as an agricultural easement to protect the land from development.Read more... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.rt6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgrassrootsdayton.com%2Fnode%2F122
Community Land TrustsThe community land trust (CLT) is one mechanism that addresses this need for affordable housing, and it also can be considered an institutional mechanism for capturing socially produced land value.The CLT is typically a private, nonprofit corporation that acquires land parcels in a targeted geographic area with the intention of retaining ownership of the land for the long term. The CLT then provides for the private use of the land through long-term ground lease agreements. The leaseholders may own their homes or other improvements on the leased land, but resale restrictions apply.In theory, the CLT removes the cost of land from the housing price by separating ownership of the land from that of the house or other improvements.Read more... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.st6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgrassrootsdayton.com%2Fnode%2F126
At Taxpayers' ExpenseThe word sprawl brings several images to mind-new housing developments farther and farther from the city core, big box stores on busy suburban streets, and loss of green space. The physical manifestations of sprawl are easy to see. What one might not immediately consider, however, are the high municipal costs associated with uncontrolled, low-density suburban development.Read more... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.tt6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgrassrootsdayton.com%2Fnode%2F134
Murphy Oil pledges $50 million to put students from one Ark. high school through collegeIn one of the most generous programs of its kind anywhere in the country, an oil company announced Monday it is putting up $50 million for college scholarships for nearly all high school graduates in its working-class hometown over the next 20 years. Students at an El Dorado High School assembly screamed and applauded when Murphy Oil, the nation's ninth-largest refiner, unveiled the program. Some wept, and one made the sign of the cross.Read more... - http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=78om48bab.0.ut6r48bab.ucesoybab.611&ts=S0227&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgrassrootsdayton.com%2Fnode%2F135
Our Vision:The most livable region in America!Our Purpose:Grassroots Greater Dayton advocates for sensible, balanced development that offers opportunities for an enhanced quality of life and an enriched sense of place to all the region's residents, today and tomorrow.Become a Friend of Grassroots Greater Dayton! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike RobinetteGrassroots Greater Dayton
City of Dayton Biz Bytes
Reorganization Includes Economic Development Focus
Dayton City Manager Rashad Young announced changes he plans to make to the City of Dayton's organizational structure to reflect a greater emphasis on stimulating economic development and enhancing service delivery. The reorganization, which includes the realignment of some departments and the creation of some new functions, must be formally adopted by the City Commission before taking effect."To be successful in today's competitive and fast-changing environment, City government must maximize its strengths and capitalize on opportunities," Young said. "The reorganization plan I am putting forth will help accomplish these goals by refocusing the organization on priority initiatives while encouraging greater interaction among and between departments to get the job done." The reorganization represents essentially a cost-neutral change, with the addition of new functions offset by streamlining others. At the executive level, a third Assistant City Manager position will be created to focus on strategic economic development issues. The creation of the new position, to be called Assistant City Manager for Strategic Development, responds to a loud and clear message from the City Commission and the community that strategic economic development is a vital component of the city of Dayton's long-term success.
In addition, to being responsible for the traditional functions of the economic development office, this new Assistant City Manager position will also maintain tangential reporting relationships with personnel in other departments that impact economic development activities, like Building Inspection, Water, and Aviation."This position will be very important to strengthening the city's tax base and maintaining Dayton as a thriving core of the region," Young said. "Among the key goals of the new Strategic Development area will be supporting and promoting existing businesses; assisting and nurturing the development of entrepreneurial upstarts; working with our partners to attract new businesses and promote workforce development; marketing the city of Dayton as the business location of choice; and implementing new strategic development initiatives for the City."
Thursday, January 25, 2007
DPS to top off Stivers
Additions, renovations part of overhaul to existing school building
Students, community members and school officials will sign their nameson the final steel beam to be raised into place at Stivers School forthe Arts during a 9 a.m. observance on Tuesday, January 30, at 1313 E.Fifth St.Workers at the site also will observe a long-held custom to signal thatthe structure has reached its height by attaching an American flag tothe beam as it ascends.The building, which is 60 percent complete, is schedule to re-open in2008, which marks Stivers' centennial anniversary. The school alsoachieves another milestone: being the first new high school in thedistrict's new school construction program.The two-story, 87,622 square-foot new construction is dedicatedprimarily to arts space and physical education. The district will uselocally funded initiative dollars to fund 39, 435 square feet of artsspace, additional special education room, and gymnasium space. The artsspace includes a 600-seat auditorium with a fly loft, creative writingclassroom, orchestra room, band room, vocal room, practice rooms, dancestudio, art rooms, ceramic studio, sculpture studio, green room, and agallery to display student talents and visiting instructors' work. Renovation of the school's historic core also is under way. In theinterim, Stivers students attend school at the DPS property on HomewoodAvenue. Stivers is the fifth and final school to be constructed in Segment Oneof the district's new school construction program. Kiser, Wogaman,Belle Haven and Cleveland preK-8 schools were opened this school year. The voter-approved project to renovate or replace Dayton's agingclassroom facilities provides the local 39-percent share for demolitionand construction approved by the Ohio School Facilities Commission. Thestate funds the remaining 61 percent.
Melissa FowlerCommunication Specialist / "Intercom" EditorPublic Information OfficeDayton Public Schools115 S. Ludlow St.Dayton, OH 45402Phone: 542-3023/Fax 542-3053"Dayton Public Schools -- Moving Ahead"