Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hail to the Chief

Effective November 1, St. Anne's Hill Historic Society President Tom A. will be stepping down from his position on the Board of Directors. Tom is leaving Dayton to take a great new job in Colorado. He will be joined by our talented webmistress and membership Chair, Bobbie. Please join us in showing appreciation for their service and to say farewell at our next meeting on Tuesday, November 4.

It will be an exciting day, not only because of the national election but because we will be electing next year's officers for our organization as well. The meeting starts with a potluck at 6:30 pm in the Liederkranz building.

EDIT UPDATE, from Jack: "They have asked that we not do anything fancy or elaborate to recognize them. But they will join us for a farewell gathering at Southpark Tavern (formerly The Pizza Factory), 1301 Wayne Avenue at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday November 2nd. Everyone will pay their own way for food and drinks."

See you there!


Friday, October 3, 2008

A Short Conversation With My Coffee

Hazelnut and Amaretto Cafe Mocha (HACM): "Good morning, Nicole. How was your evening? Did you do anything fun?"

Me: "Well, HACM, I had a pleasant evening, indeed. I got a call from Keith at 4:30 telling me that someone from our awesome neighborhood, St. Anne's Hill, had offered up free Jim Gaffigan tickets for the show last night. All we had to do was go pick them up. So instead of getting any exercise, like we'd planned, we went to the show. Jim Gaffigan is hilarious."

HACM: "That sounds delightful. Jim Gaffigan is quite the funnyman. I love that bit about Hot Pockets. Did you, perchance, wear your "Caliente Pockets" shirt? Because that would have been apropos."

Me: "Yes, HACM, I did wear my Caliente Pockets shirt. I thought it was befitting of the evening. He did throw in his Hot Pockets bit, which is awesome as always. Since it's the second time we've seen him, we were hoping for new material. He delivered. My stomach actually hurt at the end of the evening from laughing."

HACM: "Smashing. I am pleased that you had a cracking good time, chap. Cheerio, etc."

Me: "HACM, why in the hell are you talking in a British dialect? Do you think you're fancy?"

HACM, after removing his monocle: "Why, yes, milady. I am fancy. I have many syllables in my name, or did you not notice? As known throughout the land, the more syllables that a name has, the fancier it gets. So I happen to be extra-fancy, Governor."

Me: "And delicious, you daft blighter."

Nicole takes a looooong drink, draining her cup, and suddenly-- HACM isn't talking much anymore.

Lesson: Pay attention to your St. Anne's e-mail! Your neighbor might just have something wonderful to offer up.

SAH Elections

Reprinted from the e-mail tree, for all to see:

Now's your chance to get involved. A buzz word being used by both major parties in the national election this year is "Change". If you don't like the way things are, or aren't, being done consider stepping up and getting involved. You have a voice, ideas, energy and personality. Use them! Positions up for grabs this year are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer (all one year terms) and 1 board seat (a two year term).

Contact John See or Jim DeWeese if you are interested in being included on the slate, or come to the October 7 general membership meeting to be nominated from the floor. All nominees must be present at the October meeting to accept their nomination. Nominations will close at the end of that meeting. The election will be held at the November 4 general membership meeting, same day as the national election. There will be a pot luck supper before the meeting. More info to come on that later. You must be a member of St. Anne's Hill Historic Society to run for office, and to vote. If you are not sure of your status contact membership chair Bobbie Puterbaugh.

All general membership meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month, at 7:00 p.m., at the Leiderkranz Turner building at High & 5th.

As a reminder, St. Anne's Hill [Historic Society] is a 501c3 non-profit corporation. As such we, as an organization, cannot endorse any candidate or issue. That is not to say we don't personally all have our opinions, just that St. Anne's [Historic Society] will take no official position.

Susan Gray on behalf of the St. Anne's Hill board of trustees.

My name is Keith and I approved this message. (just kidding!)
