Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Town Hall Meeting

From a City of Dayton press release:

Vacant to Vibrant: Town Hall Explores Urban Beautification

Dayton residents and businesses are invited to participate in a public discussion focused on conversion of vacant lots and properties into useful and attractive community assets.

The “Vacant to Vibrant” event is the first of several upcoming Dayton Beautiful Town Hall meetings and is scheduled for Saturday, March 28, from 9:00 a.m. to noon, at the Dayton Convention Center (22 E. Fifth St.).

Session topics include maintenance and landscaping alternatives, homeowner land acquisition opportunities, and visioning new green spaces for neighborhoods. Admission is free, and passes for Transportation Center parking will be provided.

Future Dayton Beautiful Town Hall topics include “A Pedestrian- and Bicycle-Friendly Dayton” and “The Future of Historic Preservation.”


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

State at Stivers


Hearing on Strickland plan for schools set for Dayton
By William Hershey
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

An Ohio House subcommittee on Monday, March 16, will hold a hearing in Dayton to review Gov. Ted Strickland’s education reform plan.

The Primary and Secondary Education Subcommittee of the House Finance Committee will meet at 4 p.m. at the Stivers School for the Arts, 1313 E. Fifth St. The hearing is open to the public.

Those submitting written testimony for committee records, should supply it to lauren.mcmillin@ohr.state.oh.us 24 hours in advance, a press release said. For questions, call 614-466-1790.

Strickland has proposed an “evidence-based” method of funding and overhauling schools which he says will make the system constitutional. Critics have raised doubts, however, about whether there is enough money in the budget to fund the plan and about how state money is distributed among schools districts. Backers of charter schools also have raised objections.

“This hearing will be an important outlet to discuss the future of education in Ohio,” Rep. Clayton Luckie, D-Dayton, a Finance Committee member, said in a press release.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


As a reminder, please submit your membership dues! For only $6, you can support a full year's worth of activities with the St. Anne's Hill Historic Society. This includes social events, public gardens, and neighborhood improvement projects.

Here is what our organization's constitution says:

ARTICLE 4 A. There shall be three classes of memberships:
1) Voting Member
2) Associate Member (non-voting)
3) Business Member

B. Definition of Voting Member:
Voting memberships are open to any individuals interested in the goals and principles of the Society, who reside in or own property in St. Anne's Hill and whose dues are current. Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote.

C. Definition of Associate Member:
Any individual interested in the goals and principles of the Society who is not a resident or owner in St. Anne's Hill.

D. Definition of Business Member:
Any firm or corporation in or adjacent to St. Anne's Hill interested in the goals and aims of the Society and whose dues are current. Business Member may be chief executive officer, owner, or designated representative and is entitled to one vote.

For more information or to submit your payment, please contact Fred or one of the Board members.

And thank you for your support!
